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3M Air Filters Better Than Fiberglass
3M air filters also known as 3M Filtrete filters or Filtrete filters, are a top seller for many large businesses and homes. These premium filtrete furnace filters are made by the 3M company and sold and branded as 3M Filtrete filters. With their powerful filtration capabilities, 3M air filters can help keep the air in any indoor environment cleaner and healthier than before. Because of the 3M air filter’s unique construction and unique design, these air filters can provide superior protection against dust and particles that can cause health issues and problems.
3M Filters Out Dust and More
3M Filtrete filters can remove a wide range of contaminants like dust, pollen, and other smoke particles, achieving a significantly higher level of efficiency than standard fiberglass filters. Additionally, 3M Filtrete air filters can be purchased with higher ratings to filter better for most any level of indoor air pollution. This allows for the greatest filtration of air quality and problems associated with air pollution.
Due to their excellent construction, 3M air filters are able to provide up a high efficiency rating on small particles. Not only that, but higher rated filtration level 3M Filtrete furnace filters offer an electrostatic charge system built into its air filters. This increases the effectiveness of filtration by trapping smaller dust particles. This helps make sure that the air that’s circulating through an indoor environment is as clean as possible.
3M Filtrete Air Filters Are an Investment in Your Home
Installing Filtrete furnace filters can be a great long-term investment for businesses and homes. Filtrete air filters can be easily installed in any type of HVAC system, making them incredibly versatile. This also means that they can provide superior performance not only in business settings but also in homes, clinics, and other similar indoor spaces. Yes, Filtrete air filters are more expensive than fiberglass but the level of their filtration is excellent.
Additionally, 3M air filters require no maintenance, so you don’t have to worry about regularly changing or replacing them. This makes them incredibly convenient when compared to other types of air filters, which require quite a bit of effort to keep clean. With 3M air filters, you can rest easy knowing that your indoor environment is kept as clean as possible without needing to do anything extra.
A Filtrete Filter is Excellent and You Pay More for That!
Using 3M Filtrete air filters or Airspire’s compatible replacement for 3M Filters, not only can keep your home or business’ air cleaner, but they also require little to no maintenance and can be easily installed with a simple replacement of your existing filter every 90 days.
Both offer such superior filtration capabilities; you won’t have to worry as much about allergies or other allergy-related issues caused by airborne particles in the environment. So, don’t wait any longer – consider investing in 3M Filtrete air filters for your home today or if you value money, just buy Airspire‘s 3M compatible replacement air filter. You sacrifice nothing With an Airspire compatible replacement for Filtrete furnace filters, and you’ll save Money!
Note: 3M uses their MPR rating system they created instead of the industry standard MERV rating system.
Popular sizes of Airspire Replacement Compatible filters
MPR 600 Replacement American Made Pleated Air Filter Reduces Airborne:
Airspire Compatible Replacement Filtrete Filters for MPR 600
Below are our Premium Airspire brand of air filters that are compatible replacement for MPR 600 3M Filtrete Filters. These are NOT OEM 3M Filtrete Filters.

16x20x1 Filtrete Filter MPR 600 4-Pack Filtrete Filters
16x25x1 Filtrete Filter MPR 600 4-Pack Filtrete Filters
MPR 1000, MPR 1200, MPR 1500 and MPR 1550 Replacements American Made Pleated Air Filter Reduces Airborne:
Airspire Compatible Replacement Filtrete Filters for MPR 1000, MPR 1200, MPR 1500 and MPR 1550
Below are our Premium Airspire brand of air filters that are compatible replacement for MPR 1000-1550 3M Filtrete Filters. These are NOT OEM 3M Filtrete Filters.

16x20x1 Filtrete Filter MPR 1000-1550 4-Pack Filtrete Filters
16x25x1 Filtrete Filter MPR 1000-1550 4-Pack Filtrete Filters
20x20x1 Filtrete Filter MPR 1000-1550 4-Pack Filtrete Filters
20x25x1 Filtrete Filter MPR 1000-1550 4-Pack Filtrete Filters
MPR 1900, MPR 2200 and MPR 2800 Replacements MERV 13 American Made Pleated Air Filter Airspire MERV 13 Compatible Replacement for 3M Filtrete Filters MPR 1900, MPR 2200 and MPR 2800 Reduces Airborne:
Airspire Compatible Replacement Filtrete Filters for MPR 1900, MPR 2200, MPR 2800
Below are our Premium Airspire brand of air filters that are compatible replacement for MPR 1900-2800 3M Filtrete Filters. These are NOT OEM 3M Filtrete Filters.

16x20x1 Filtrete Filter MPR 1000-1550 4-Pack Filtrete Filters
16x25x1 Filtrete Filter MPR 1000-1550 4-Pack Filtrete Filters
20x20x1 Filtrete Filter MPR 1000-1550 4-Pack Filtrete Filters
20x25x1 Filtrete Filter MPR 1000-1550 4-Pack Filtrete Filters
Disclaimer: Airspire LLC is not affiliated with 3M. These are Airspire branded filters that are generic compatible replacement for 3M filters. 3M, Filtrete and MPR are trademarks of 3M and mentioned only for consumer reference.
Filtrete Replacement Air Filters FAQ’s
Are your Filters Just as Good as Filtrete?
We believe so. Our filters are MERV rated and use a high-quality filter media and moisture resistant frame. Let’s face it, if you’ve ever been to Walmart or Lowes you’ve seen a 3M filter there. 3M makes a great filter. Besides the cost and high price, we’ve never heard of someone complain about using a Filtrete air filter.
At the same time, we’ve never had anyone complain about using our Airspire as a compatible replacement for Filtrete! We’ve done our best to make a filter that rivals the quality and filtration of a 3M filter. All we can say is to buy an Airspire filter on Amazon, you’ll save money and be happy you did. For any reason, if you’re not fully happy and don’t believe our filter is every bit as good as a Filtrete, just return it.
Are Your Airspire Filters Licensed by 3M Filtrete?
No. We have no relationship with 3M and in no way do we any licensing agreement with them.
Are Your Air Filters Better Than Fiberglass?
Yes. Our MERV rated pleated filter media is far better at capturing dust and more than a cheap fiberglass furnace filter.
What Are Popular Sizes of Filtrete Filters?
What is the MPR Rating of Your Filters?
Our compatible replacement Filtrete air filters are MERV rated 8, 11 and 13. Here is a MPR to MERV conversion chart.
Are Filtrete Air Filters Worth it?
Yes. In our opinion OEM 3M Filtrete air filters are worth the expense. There was never any alternative with a comparable replacement generic, until now. If you are looking to save money and don’t want to sacrifice quality, our Airspire compatible replacement Filtrete filters are an excellent choice as well and well worth the money and savings!
How Long does a 3m Filtrete Filter Last?
The filter media has no shelf life that we’re aware of.
Which Way do You Face a Filtrete Air Filter?
Align the arrows so the air flows following in the same direction as HVAC system does.
Do Filtrete Filters Restrict Airflow?
Any filter that had a high MERV or MPR rating will restrict air flow. This is because it’s filtering better. This is why it’s important to only use a MERV or MPR rating your HVAC system can handle. We always suggest our Filtrete compatible replacement MERV 8 filter for most homes or our MERV 11 air filter. Not every home can use a higher MERV rating. This is why our best filtration level stops at MERV 13. We believe anything more could cause damage to a HVAC system. This does not mean Filtrete filters restrict air flow. It’s just what we choose to do as a manufacturer.
Do Filtrete filters really work?
Yes! 3M makes a great filter. It’s worth the money during your next filter buy. We offer discount filters that are compatible replacement generic 3M filters. You can save a lot of money without sacrificing quality and filtration.
How often do you need to change a Filtrete filter?
30, 60 or 90 days depending on the filter and choice for a reminder in their app. Our Airspire compatible replacement Filtrete furnace filters last for 90 days and only need to be changed 4 times a year!